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Sex During Pregnancy Period is Safe Or Not, Know Here in Details

Sex During Pregnancy Period is Safe Or Not, Know Here in Details

Sex during pregnancy is a bit complicated but it doesn't mean that it couldn't be possible. You have to gain some knowledge regarding this situation. But don't worry, here in this article, Bae Feed will let you know about how you can able to do sex during pregnancy and precautions you must consider before having sex in such situation.

So you're expecting a child (congratulations!). and you're wondering if you'll be able to have sex as usual while pregnant. What about sex after giving birth?

Is It Okay To Have Sex During Pregnancy?

Most healthy, low-risk women can continue to have sex throughout pregnancy without concern. The uterine wall's powerful muscles and the amniotic sac provide excellent protection for the infant. During pregnancy, the thick mucus plug that covers your cervix protects the fetus from infection.

Having Sex During The Early Stage Of A Pregnancy

Some pregnant parents are concerned that sex during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester, would result in a miscarriage. 

Early miscarriages are typically caused by genetic abnormalities in the child or hormonal imbalances in the mother, and having sex or engaging in other normal behaviors will not prevent this.

Keep in mind that some mothers will refuse sex during the first trimester owing to nausea, morning sickness, and extreme exhaustion. 

This will almost certainly pass, and you will resume your usual sex life in the "magic middle" of pregnancy. Talk to your spouse about strategies to address your partner's intimacy needs during this time.

Having Sex During The Late Stage Of Pregnancy

Late in the third trimester, sex might become more difficult with a larger belly. Make use of your imagination when it comes to postures or other ways to be personal and near to your companion.

Keep in mind that prostaglandins, which are known to soften the cervix, are found in sperm. In typical, low-risk pregnancies, softening the cervix "ripens" and opens it when, and only when, all biological components are ready for delivery. So don't be concerned that having sex will result in early labor.

Nipple stimulation can also be effective. During nipple stimulation, the hormone Oxytocin is produced. This is the same hormone that hospitals employ to induce labor or during a caesarian section.

These two methods can assist in naturally inducing a mother who is more than 40 weeks pregnant. Of course, consult with your doctor and/or midwife about what is best for you.

My Partner Wants To Give Me Oral Sex During Pregnancy, Is It Safe?

Yes, we'll go there. And, for the most part, oral sex is safe during pregnancy. There are, however, certain exceptions. If your boyfriend has oral herpes, he should not have oral intercourse with you while an outbreak is ongoing, or at all during the third trimester (an outbreak or not). 

If your partner is HIV positive or you are unclear about his HIV status, you should avoid oral intercourse. Though the chance of catching HIV via oral intercourse is minimal, it is still a possibility, and HIV may easily be given to your kid if caught.

And here's a fun fact: Don't let your partner blow into your womb. It may (very rarely) result in an air embolism, which is hazardous to both you and your baby.

Also Read: Sexual Disease: Men Who Are Easily Prone To Sexual Disease

If I Want To Use Lubrication During Pregnancy, Is It Safe?

Yes, however we have a suggestion for you. We're not followers of traditional lubrication products since they might bother both partners. And, of all, why put drugs in your body while you're carrying a child?

If you're going to use condoms, make sure to use a traditional, water-based lubricant rather than an oil-based lube.

If you're pregnant and in a monogamous relationship, though, you're probably not using condoms. In that scenario, we propose using olive oil as a lubricant. It's natural, soothing to the skin, easy to use, and works like a charm.

Can Orgasms Cause Premature Birth?

Nope. Orgasms can trigger uterine contractions, but they are typical and not like the contractions you will experience during birth. 

In reality, uterine contractions after sex signify that you have a robust uterus, which is quite encouraging if you are about to give birth.

Is There Ever A Moment When Sex Should Be Avoided When Pregnant?

Your doctor or midwife may advise you to refrain from having sex while pregnant, often known as pelvic rest, if:

You have a history of Premature labor or birth.

You are experiencing inexplicable vaginal bleeding.

Your cervix begins to open too soon (cervical insufficiency)

Your cervix is partially or totally covered by your placenta (placenta previa)

You have burst membranes or are leaking amniotic fluid.

Your cervix has been dilated.

Keywords: Sex During PregnancyPregnancy Period | Sex During Pregnancy is Safe | Oral Sex | HIV | Herpes |


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