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Benefits Of Having Sex With Your Partner


Benefits Of Having Sex With Your Partner

Sex isn't only pleasurable. It may also be beneficial to your health. Here are some of the benefits of having a healthy sexual life.

Keeps Your Immune System Running Smoothly

People who have sex have larger levels of what their body uses to fight itself against bacteria, viruses, and other intruders. Wilkes University in Pennsylvania discovered that undergraduate students who had sex once or twice a week had greater levels of a specific antibody than students who had sex less frequently.

You should continue to do all of the other things that keep your immune system happy, such as eating well.

Continue to be active.

Get adequate rest.

Maintain your vaccine schedule.

If you don't know the status of both of your STDs, wear a condom.

Also Read: Sexual Disease: Men Who Are Easily Prone To Sexual Disease

Sex Improves Your Libido

Do you want a more active sex life? "Having sex will boost your libido and make sex better," says Lauren Streicher, MD. She is an assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago.

She claims that having sex improves vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and suppleness in women, all of which make sex feel better and make you need more of it.

Sex Improves More Bladder Control in Women

A healthy pelvic floor is essential for preventing incontinence, which affects around 30% of women at some time in their lives.

Sex is like working out your pelvic floor muscles. When you have an orgasm, those muscles flex, which strengthens them.

Sex Lowers Your Blood Pressure

According to Joseph J. Pinzone, MD, research reveals a relationship between sex and decreased blood pressure. He is Amai Wellness' CEO and Medical Director.

"Many studies have been conducted," he says. "One seminal research discovered that sexual intercourse (rather not masturbating) reduced systolic blood pressure." That's the first figure on your blood pressure reading.

Sex Is A Form Of Great Exercise

"Sex is an excellent sort of exercise. It won't replace the treadmill, but it's better than nothing.

Sex consumes around five calories every minute, which is four more calories than watching television. It packs a one-two punch by increasing your heart rate and engaging multiple muscles.

So go to work! You could even wish to clear your calendar to create regular time for it." Consistency, like exercise, helps increase the advantages.

Sex Lower Your Heart Attack Risk

A healthy sexual life is excellent for your heart. Sex, in addition to increasing your heart rate, helps maintain your estrogen and testosterone levels in check.

"When any of those is low, you start to experience a lot of issues, including osteoporosis and even heart disease." 

Having sex more frequently may help. Men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart disease as men who had sex just once a month, according to one research.

Sex Improves Your Sleep Quality

You may fall asleep more rapidly after sex for good cause.

"The hormone prolactin is produced after orgasm, which is responsible for sensations of relaxation and drowsiness" after sex.

Sex Ease Your Daily Life Stress

Being close to your partner might help you cope with stress and worry.

According to Ambardar, touching and embracing might cause your body's natural "feel-good hormone" to be released. Sexual arousal causes the production of a brain chemical that stimulates your brain's pleasure and reward system.

Sex and closeness can also increase your self-esteem and happiness, according to Ambardar. It's a prescription for a happy life, not just a healthy one.

Benefits Of Having Sex | Sex Benefits | Sexual Benefits | What Are The Benefits of sex | Benefits Of Sex |  Sexual Benefits for couples |


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