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Are You Losing Yourself in Your Relationship?

Are You Losing Yourself in Your Relationship?

The word codependency is frequently used, but what does it imply in romantic relationships? Codependency develops differently in romantic relationships than when it is mentioned in conjunction with substance abuse. It is more difficult to detect in many ways.

What Exactly Does Codependency Means in a Relationship?

Codependency is a sociological concept that aims to explain unbalanced relationships in which one person supports another's ego tendencies and/or weakens the other person's connection.

Togetherness and support are essential in healthy, loving relationships, but what happens when it interferes with one partner's individuality? Here are several signs that your relationship is codependent. 

You Cannot Make Decisions On Your Own Without Assistance From Your Partner

The relationship works on mutual understanding and decisions. Sharing things shows how you both blindly trust each other. However, taking your partner's advice or suggestion is good but what about if you are codependent on your partner too much which let you cannot take decisions on your own, even if it's only related to you?

Asking for your partner's opinion on important issues in your life is healthy and normal, but being unable to make decisions without their input is not. Perhaps you need their approval because you lack the confidence to decide on your own. Perhaps you seek advice because they require it. Either condition stunts your development. When others continually make decisions for you, you are unable to succeed and show yourself that you are capable.

You Decide Everything Together In Relationship

You probably had individual hobbies, friends, and interests when you first met. However, for pleasure and recreational activities, you now rely only on each other's presence. 

The move into new relationships may disrupt the regularity with which you interact with others, but it should not result in their cancellation. Each partner in a good relationship can have a group of friends, interests, and activities.

Are you Afraid To Say No To Your Partner In a Relationship

It might possible that sometimes you are unable to gather yourself just to say 'NO' in a relationship. Including fear of rejection if you do not comply, a belief that their adoration is conditional on your compliance or a history of abuse. 

In a healthy relationship, saying "no" is not a dirty word. If you see yourself becoming worried while saying "no" to your partner, this could be an indication of codependency.

You Feel Guilty For Their Actions in a Relationship

When talking to relatives or friends, you may find yourself making excuses and feeling guilty or humiliated over your partner's conduct or lack thereof. This is an indication of codependency. You are only accountable for your conduct; no one else's actions reflect on you.

How You Can Shift Into a Healthy Relationship?

Don't be worried if you experience one or more of the signs described above! Your relationship is not ruined. Here are some ideas to help you transform those problematic relationship exchanges into healthy ones.

Remember that, while it's great to exchange ideas with your partner, you can be final in most instances. You might be shocked to learn that when they are not continuously asked to weigh in, they feel less pressure.

Relationships require independence. It allows you to miss each other while participating in activities that the other may not appreciate.
Please get professional help if you are afraid to say "no" to your partner for fear of being abused. 

If you are afraid to say "no" due to rejection or a lack of affection, I want you to remember that you have value and that external validation is not required.

You are solely responsible for how you behave in your environment. If you are feeling guilty or ashamed about your partner's actions, it is time to seek the advice of a psychotherapist.


Many relationships show codependency characteristics, but with the help of a psychotherapist, you may begin the process of becoming healthy as a unit or learn how to leave harmful codependent relationships.

Personal Suggestion: Please try not to lose your relationship, it is the best feeling to love someone deeply. Agreed, every relationship faced lots of misunderstandings, issues, and lack of communication but instead of quitting your relationship, try to find the issue and fix it. Giving it a try can improve your relationship.

Keywords: Losing In Relationship | Relationship Reality | Afraid in Relationship | Relationship Suggestion | 

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